Miriam: Older sister of Moses.
Origin and Meaning
Low German variant form of Maike
Maike is:1) Low German short form of Marieke and Mareike
2) Variant spelling of Meike
Marieke is:Low German pet form of Marie (see Maria)
Mareike is:
Low German variant form of Marieke that is Low German pet form of Marie (see Maria)


Origin and Meaning:
Latin spelling of Μαρια (Maria), a Greek form of Mirjam
Mirjam / Miriam


Origin and Meaning:
Latin spelling of the Hebrew name מִרְיָם (Miryam) of uncertain origin and meaning [1]
Theories include:
1) Egyptian mry = 'beloved' [2] [3]
2) Egyptian mr = 'love' [3]

3) Hebrew mrh = 'corpulent' [2] [4] [5]
4) Hebrew mirjám = 'rebellious, defiant' [6] [2]
5) Hebrew miryam = 'seeress, woman' [7] [8]
6) Hebrew ma-râma = 'whished-for child' [9] [10] [11]
7) Hebrew merî = 'rebellion' [9] [11]
8) Hebrew 'bitter, sad' [5]
Interestingly, in relation to Miriam’s being the wife of Calev, Talmudic[24] sources mention that she had several other names, each with its own specific, significant meaning. According to these Midrashic teachings, at marriageable age, Miriam became very ill such that she found no suitor. Calev, who had great appreciation and admiration for Aaron and Moses, upheld the Torah teaching[25] that children often resemble their mother’s brothers by marrying Miriam in order to have righteous sons that would resemble Aaron and Moses. Through great sacrifice, devotion and love, Calev doctored Miriam back to health such that she became even more robust and beautiful than she had been in her youth and gave birth to sons who equaled her illustrious brothers.
Thus, based on a tradition of the inner meaning of the verses enumerating the names of Calev’s progeny,[26] the Sages[27]taught that in her illness, Miriam was named “Azuva” (deserted) since all men forsook marrying her; “Yeriot” (curtain) since she was pale as a sheet; and “Chela” (sickly) because of her grave illness. But after God restored her health through Calev’s care, she was named “Vardon” (rose) since her complexion became as lovely as a rose; “Na’ara” (maiden) since she became as vigorous as a young woman; “Tzeret” (rival) since her beauty was envied by all; “Tzohar” (radiance) since her face shone like the noon-day sun; and “Etnan” (a paramour’s gift) since married men who were aroused by her beauty would court their wives with gifts for that purpose
Etymology : Danish and Norwegian diminutive of MARIA
GENDER: Feminine
USAGE: Danish, Norwegian
Meaning & History
Danish and Norwegian diminutive of MARIA. That is Latin form of Greek Μαρια, from Hebrew מִרְיָם (see MARY).
Usual English form of Maria, the Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριαμ (Mariam) and Μαρια (Maria) - the spellings are interchangeable - which were from Hebrew מִרְיָם (Miryam), a name borne by the sister of Moses in the Old Testament.
The meaning is not known for certain, but there are several theories including "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", and "wished for child". However it was most likely originally an Egyptian name, perhaps derived in part from mry "beloved" or mr "love".
This is the name of several New Testament characters, most importantly Mary the mother of Jesus.
Who is she?
Maiken is anything but wishy-washy! Endowed with qualities that one would more readily attribute to a man than a woman,
Maiken is full of energy, bold and authoritarian. Rather egocentric, her primary concern is herself and the second is asserting herself (her first name begins with two letters that have a value of 1).
Nonetheless, deep down inside, worry and self-doubt subsist, and this could manifest itself in different ways due to the influence of 1 and 8. For example, if she thinks she is in the wrong, she could project these feelings onto the outside world and become wary, distant and rather haughty, a wry smile on her face,
on the defensive... She could either become introverted, hiding away in her shell, or she could go the other way by being original - eccentric even, in a radical attempt to compensate. In fact, an apparently interiorized nature that is thoughtful, cerebral and analytic (7) coexists with a more concrete, materialistic tendency (8), and this duality can result in a very strong character!
However, these influences are karmic,
and Maiken could constantly alternate between these two orientations in life. With one, material preoccupations are predominant, while the other is uncomfortable with money and is drawn to spirituality or abstraction... Whatever the case, this is a woman who is active, determined, shrewd and impatient, and somebody who seeks power, above all. As a child, she can be a shady character. Rather hard-nosed and touchy,
she is prone to anger. Somewhat jealous, she demands exclusivity. All the same, she knows what she wants, and with a little help from her dynamism, her opportunism as well as her personal magnetism, she usually succeeds in getting it, (especially since flexibility and weakness aren´t words that she understands). Her upbringing should be firm but fair. She needs to be able to admire her parents, particularly her father, and can´t excuse weakness in them.
What does she like?
Her dream is one that is within her reach: she wants to influence people, to be a living, breathing example for others, and she intends to reach dizzy heights, one day. Luckily, she is also prepared to make the necessary effort to get there. In romance she needs to be able to admire her partner, and his social status is likely to be of considerable importance to her, or he had better be extremely intelligent. However, her true nature is quite dominant, and it might not be an easy task dominating and admiring the same man!... Happily, her active number 26 takes her in the precise direction that is needed to achieve and maintain an equilibrium that is quite fragile, after all. Nevertheless, she definitely isn´t cut out for the role of a meek and mild housewife!
Her dream is one that is within her reach: she wants to influence people, to be a living, breathing example for others, and she intends to reach dizzy heights, one day. Luckily, she is also prepared to make the necessary effort to get there. In romance she needs to be able to admire her partner, and his social status is likely to be of considerable importance to her, or he had better be extremely intelligent. However, her true nature is quite dominant, and it might not be an easy task dominating and admiring the same man!... Happily, her active number 26 takes her in the precise direction that is needed to achieve and maintain an equilibrium that is quite fragile, after all. Nevertheless, she definitely isn´t cut out for the role of a meek and mild housewife!
What does she do?
Maiken could be attracted to professions in connection with the world of business (management, finance, banking...), liberal or independent occupations, those in relation with the notion of power (police...) or action (sport), of an esoteric or parapsychologic nature, or in relation to the latest, cutting-edge or very specialized technology.
*To note: :
It sometimes happens that two different first names have the same meaning. This has nothing surprising: both first names have the same figures of numerology. It is as in astrology: two persons belonging to the same sign present the same characteristic...
Miriam could appear more of a tough-cookie than she really is... But the truth is that she is incredibly sensitive and quite vulnerable, all things considered. She often tends to become withdrawn in the face of hostility, preferring to avoid confrontation. However, she is nevertheless a courageous woman who is proud and determined, loathes injustice, flattery and deceit, and is more than capable of leading others and assuming responsibility; she is capable of great selflessness for a cause that touches her heart. An innovative spirit who needs to be able to live her own experiences, she is quite a complex character who can be egocentric, authoritarian and demanding at times - particularly if she was born on a 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, or if she has a life Path Number of 1; whilst at other times, she can also be very altruistic and idealistic, especially if she was born on a 9th, 18th, 27th, or if she has a life Path Number 9. As a child, Miriam is well-behaved, disciplined and reserved and autonomous, so she makes a wonderful big sister who is quite capable of standing in for her parents if the need arises. It is nonetheless important to be careful not to take advantage of her kind and helpful nature. She would benefit from participating in activities outside the family home as this will enable her to strike the right balance in her relationship with other people and her environment.
What does she like?
An ambitious lady, Miriam wants to win in life, to lead others and draw attention to herself. She craves recognition and adulation and sees the world as a stage on which she loves to perform... Both idealistic and materialistic at the same time, she enjoys a high standard of living and appreciates the comfort that money can provide. When it comes to relationships, she is demanding and intends to be the one who wears the trousers! She is a sensual woman, though uncompromising and jealous; and while she is faithful, loyal and frank, she expects the same in return. But underneath her abrupt, harsh manner she is in fact hiding an enormous, generous heart and very sentimental nature.
An ambitious lady, Miriam wants to win in life, to lead others and draw attention to herself. She craves recognition and adulation and sees the world as a stage on which she loves to perform... Both idealistic and materialistic at the same time, she enjoys a high standard of living and appreciates the comfort that money can provide. When it comes to relationships, she is demanding and intends to be the one who wears the trousers! She is a sensual woman, though uncompromising and jealous; and while she is faithful, loyal and frank, she expects the same in return. But underneath her abrupt, harsh manner she is in fact hiding an enormous, generous heart and very sentimental nature.
Miriam is likely to be attracted to the social fields (medicine, justice, law), particularly if she was born on a 9th, 18th, 27th, or if she has a life Path Number of 9; otherwise she could be tempted by one of the liberal professions or a career in banking, management, finance, show business or broadcasting.
There are several meanings behind the name Miriam, spelled ‘mem’, ‘reish’, ‘yud’, ‘mem’ in Hebrew (מִרְיָם), which various Jewish sources relate to either “bitter”, “water”, “rebellion” ("mässu, mässar") or “elevation” as follows:
One meaning is based on the letters ‘mem’, ‘reish’ of her name spelling “mar” (מר) which means “bitter”. This connotes the fact that Miriam was born during the beginning of Pharaoh’s bitter decrees as in the verse, “And the [Egyptians] embittered [the Jews’] lives with hard labor”.[14][15]
However, another meaning of “mar” (מר) is “water” as in the verse, “The nations are as a drop of water (“c’mar”) from a bucket”.[16] Miriam’s strong association with water includes her involvement in saving Moses at the Nile, the meaning yam ים is "sea",[17] singing praise to God after crossing the Sea of Reeds or Red Sea[18] and the special well or spring of water called the “Well of Miriam”.[19] In her merit, this well miraculously provided water for the Jews by accompanying them throughout their wanderings in the wilderness (see more below).
In addition, since water is associated with “chesed” – kindliness – this meaning behind Miriam connotes her special acts of kindness in serving as a midwife, devoting herself to the needs of her suffering people and sparing Jewish infants from Pharaoh’s evil decree.[20]
Another meaning behind Miriam is related to the letters ‘mem’, ‘reish’, ‘yud’ of her name spelling “meri” (מרי) which means “rebellion”. This connotes the way she rebelled against Pharaoh’s orders that the Jewish midwives kill all male infants.[21] She even rebelled against her father who, in the name of sparing Jewish infants from death, caused couples to separate so they wouldn’t have children. Miriam rebelled against her father claiming that he exacerbated the decree. Once she convinced her father of his mistake, Amram remarried Yocheved, followed by the other Jewish men, after which time Moses was born.[22]
A last meaning is based on all of the letters of the name Miriam, ‘mem’, ‘reish’, ‘yud’, ‘mem’ spelling the word “merim” (מרים) which means “elevate”. In the merit of saving the Jewish new-borns, thereby building the House of Israel, God blessed Yocheved that He would make from her “houses” of cohanim and leviim, and from Miriam “houses” of kingship. “Merim” thus connotes the fact that Miriam, from whom King David issued (through her husband Calev of Judah), was elevated to “house” the Davidic Dynasty which is destined to elevate the Jewish People and the perfected community of humanity to Redemption and the World to Come.[23] This might be consistent with an idea which, although not found in Jewish sources, is based on the suggestion that “mri” in ancient Egyptian means “beloved”.
// mässar = rebellion
// kuni vee elemendini..
// vee elemend Mar..s ja vaimu vee olemus "Maiken" i sees, koos true-passioniga muutub (reaalsust transformeeruvaks) TuliVeeks?
Tehtud : 2018, Ülevaadetud: 2022
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